Manifesto: Art & Technology

The present Geolocalised Augmented Reality Exhibition, supported by a virtual Exhibition & Online Conversation (, almost unimaginably widens the exhibition spaces, their schedules and dates, as well as the global possibilities of meaningful interaction between the virtual spectator, the digital work, the distant artist and the art critic.
We affirm, then, that (1) we are in one of those moments in the history of art in which technology forces us to redefine the interaction and enjoyment of the arts, and that (2) this new digital scene does justice to the artist and his intellectual production in a global way.
After all, the separation that is established between the arts and technology is not real; Research thinking, and creativity are always in the work of both disciplines. Art and technology as “thought approaches” are inseparable from all production of the human being.
Technological thinking -in general- is very similar to creative thinking; At the same time, it is a tool in plastic production. Even when the first seeks the solution of practical problems, and the second, originality, the result is typically original, and the originality of creative thinking results in a solution to an aesthetic or functional approach
We can suppose that the thought processes in which Leonardo da Vinci submerged before a mechanical design problem were probably not very different from those evoked for the elaboration of a work of art, although with specialized skills and knowledge.
However, due to the super specialization that fragments knowledge artificially, it has required the collective work of artists, engineers, scientists and sociologists, among others, to carry out integrated projects that advance the definition and making of the arts.
De Jesús Berríos, L. M. (2017). Arte, tecnología y contexto (2da. ed.). San Juan, PR: Facultad de Educación, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras.